[Postname] Name=HeidenhainTNC426 KopfZeile= [Modul] PostModul= SIMModul= [StartCommand] Command1=(Count_Block) BEGIN PGM (NCFilename) Command2=(Count_Block)(TOOL_DATA) Command3=(Count_Block) BLK FORM 0.1 Z X(BX-) Y(BY-) Z(BZ-) Command4=(Count_Block) BLK FORM 0.2 X(BX+) Y(BY+) Z(BZ+) Command5=(Count_Block)(SPINDLE_Block) Command6=(Count_Block) TOOL DEF "(TNrNext)" Command7=(Count_Block) M112 T0.01 Command8=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) R0 FMAX(SpiCW) Command9=(Count_Block) L Z(KFAz+[0]) FMAX(CoolOn) [EndCommand] Command1=(Count_Block) L Z(KFAz+[100]) FMAX Command2=(Count_Block) TOOL DEF "(TNrNext)" Command3=(Count_Block) TOOL CALL 0 Command4=(Count_Block) M113 Command5=(Count_Block) M30 Command6=(Count_Block) END PGM (NCFilename) [GENERAL] BlockPrefix= BlockEndPrefix= Extension=.h Decimal=. OutputPlus=+ CommentStartChar=; CommentEndChar= XYPlane= YZPlane= ZXPlane= LinetoCircle=1 LinetoCircleToleranceFactor=1.5 LinetoCircleRadius_MAX=1500 LinetoCircleSegment_MAX=5 LinetoCirclePlane_Code=1 GModal=0 CountChar= NUMPlaces= Increment=10 StartUnit=0 Char1= Char2= Char3= Count_Block=(CountChar)+(Count) CoolOn=(ope[(RNrL+[0])=1? M8: M7]) CoolOff= M9 TimeFactor= [LINEAR DEFINITION] LinearMotion=(FEEDRATE_Block) RapidMotion= FMAX KoordxChar= X KoordyChar= Y KoordzChar= Z DecimalPlaces=4 XFactor=1.000000 YFactor=1.000000 ZFactor=1.000000 ShowZeros=4 Char1= L Char2=(\n)(Count_Block) L X(KFA[(getXp)]) Y(KFA[(getYp)]) Z(KFA[(getZp)]) Char3= G40Comp= R0 G41Comp= RL G42Comp= RR XYZModal=1 LinearRegisterPosition=(Count_Block)+(SPINDLE_Block)+(Char2)+(Motion)+(Backlash)+(Count_Block)+(Char1)+(KoordxChar)+(Koordx)+(KoordyChar)+(Koordy)+(KoordzChar)+(Koordz)+(CompOff)+(CompLeft)+(CompRight)+(FEEDRATE_Block)+(Motion) RapidRegisterPosition=(Count_Block)+(SPINDLE_Block)+(Char2)+(Motion)+(Backlash)+(Count_Block)+(Char1)+(KoordxChar)+(Koordx)+(KoordyChar)+(Koordy)+(KoordzChar)+(Koordz)+(CompOff)+(CompLeft)+(CompRight)+(Motion) [CIRCLE DEFINITION] CIRCLE_R= DR- CIRCLE_L= DR+ XZ_CIRCLE_R= DR- XZ_CIRCLE_L= DR+ YZ_CIRCLE_R= DR- YZ_CIRCLE_L= DR+ KoordiChar= X KoordjChar= Y KoordkChar= Z RadiusChar= R AngleChar= IPA HelixChar= CP I_Factor=1.000000 J_Factor=1.000000 KR_Factor=1.000000 W_Factor=1.000000 ShowZeros=4 Char1= CC Char2=(\n)(Count_Block) C(IF[(getPL)<3]{) Char3=(FEEDRATE_Block) Char4=(ope[(getPL)=3? X(KFAx+[0]):(ope[(getPL)=2? Y(KFAy+[0]): Z(KFAz+[0])])]) Char5=(IF[(getPL)=1]{) Char6=(\n)(Count_Block) L X(KFA[(getXp)]) Y(KFA[(getYp)]) Z(KFA[(getZp)]) Char7= IJ_G91Modus=0 CIRCLE_Modal=0 HELIXINTP=1 CIRCLERegisterPosition=(Count_Block)+(SPINDLE_Block)+(Char6)+(Char3)+(Backlash)+(Count_Block)+(Char1)+(KoordiChar)+(Koordi)+(KoordjChar)+(Koordj)+(KoordkChar)+(Koordk)+(Char2)+(KoordxChar)+(Koordx)+(}ELSE{)+(KoordyChar)+(Koordy)+(}ENDIF)+(Char5)+(KoordyChar)+(Koordy)+(}ELSE{)+(KoordzChar)+(Koordz)+(}ENDIF)+(CIRCLE)+(FEEDRATE_Block)+(Char3) HELIXRegisterPosition=(Count_Block)+(SPINDLE_Block)+(Char6)+(Char3)+(Backlash)+(Count_Block)+(Char1)+(KoordiChar)+(Koordi)+(KoordjChar)+(Koordj)+(KoordkChar)+(Koordk)+(Backlash)+(Count_Block)+(HelixChar)+(AngleChar)+(Angle)+(Char4)+(CIRCLE)+(FEEDRATE_Block)+(Char3) CircleSplit=0 CirclePolygon=0 [SPINDLE DEFINITION] SpindleChar= S ClockwiseRotationR= M3 ClockwiseRotationL= M4 HighValue=10000.00 LowValue=0.000000 Factor=1.00000 DecimalPlaces=0 Decimal= ShowZeros=0 Char1= TOOL CALL "(TNr)" Z Char2= (]TOOL CALL (TNr)) Char3= SPINDLE_Modal=0 SPINDLE_Block=(Char1)+(Char3)+(SpindleChar)+(NUMMC)+(Char2) [FEEDRATE DEFINITION] FEEDRATEChar= F HighValue=300.0000 LowValue=0.0 Factor=1.000000 DecimalPlaces=0 Decimal= ShowZeros=0 Char1= Char2= Char3= FEEDRATE_Modal=0 FEEDRATE_Block=(FEEDRATEChar)+(NUMMC) [ToolChange] Command1=(Count_Block) M9 Command2=(Count_Block)(SPINDLE_Block) Command3=(Count_Block) TOOL DEF "(TNrNext)" Command4=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) R0 FMAX(SpiCW) Command5=(Count_Block) L Z(KFAz+[0]) FMAX(CoolOn) XChangeP= YChangeP= ZChangeP= [TNr_Format] NUMPlaces=1 [RegNr_Format] NUMPlaces=1 [Comp_Format] OutputPlus= DecimalPlaces=3 ShowZeros=3 [EntryCommand] InsertAfter=0 [ExitCommand] InsertAfter=0 [Cycle1] CycleName=Drilling Cycle with chip breaking type G73 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;Number of chip breaks (Q);Dwell time at depth/top; CycleType=0 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 203 UNIVERSAL DRILLIN ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q202=(KFA[(Z2)]) ;PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q210=(Round[(P2);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT TOP ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand9= Q212=0.0 ;DECREMENT ~ SCommand10= Q213=(ABS[(P1)]) ;BREAKS ~ SCommand11= Q205=0 ;MIN. PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand12= Q211=(Round[(P2);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand13= Q208=(getFEAB) ;RETRACTION FEED RATE ~ SCommand14= Q256=0.5 ;DIST. FOR CHIP BRKNG SCommand15=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle2] CycleName=Left-hand thread with compensating chuck type G74 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=1 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 206 TAPPING NEW ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand7= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE SCommand8=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle3] CycleName=Fine Boring Canned Cycle type G76 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);Retraction (Q);DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=2 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 202 BORING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q208=(getFEAB) ;RETRACTION FEED RATE ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand9= Q214=(KFA[(CQ)]) ;DISENGAGING DIRECTN ~ SCommand10= Q336=0 ;ANGLE OF SPINDLE SCommand11=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle4] CycleName=Drilling Cycle type G81 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;DWELL TIME AT TOP;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=3 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 200 DRILLING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q202=(KFA[(Z2)]) ;PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q210=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT TOP ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand9= Q211=(Round[(P2);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH SCommand10=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle5] CycleName=Drilling Cycle with dwell time type G82 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;Dwell Time; CycleType=4 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 200 DRILLING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q202=(KFA[(Z2)]) ;PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q210=0 ;DWELL TIME AT TOP ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand9= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH SCommand10=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle6] CycleName=Deep Hole Peck Drilling Canned Cycle type G83 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);Depth Increment (Q);Number of chip breaks;Dwell time at depth/top; CycleType=5 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 203 UNIVERSAL DRILLIN ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q202=(KFA[(CQ)]) ;PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q210=(Round[(P2);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT TOP ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand9= Q212=0.0 ;DECREMENT ~ SCommand10= Q213=(ABS[(P1)]) ;BREAKS ~ SCommand11= Q205=0 ;MIN. PLUNGING DEPTH ~ SCommand12= Q211=(Round[(P2);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand13= Q208=(getFEAB) ;RETRACTION FEED RATE ~ SCommand14= Q256=0.5 ;DIST. FOR CHIP BRKNG SCommand15=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle7] CycleName=Right-hand thread with compensating chuck type G84 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=6 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 206 TAPPING NEW ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand7= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE SCommand8=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle8] CycleName=Reaming Cycle Type G85 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=7 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 201 REAMING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q208=(getFEAB) ;RETRACTION FEED RATE ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE SCommand9=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle9] CycleName=Thread Cycle 207 without compensating chuck CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z); CycleType=6 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 207 RIGID TAPPING NEW ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q239=(ope[(getSPCW)=3?+:-])(Round[(getTW);3]) ; PITCH ~ SCommand5= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand6= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE SCommand7=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle10] CycleName=Back Boring Cycle type G87 CyclePara=Approach height (A);counter bore depth (Z);Off-center distance (Q);Material Thickness (M);Dwell Time; CycleType=9 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 204 BACK BORING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q249=(KFA[(Z2)]) ;DEPTH SENKUNG ~ SCommand4= Q250=(KFA[(P1)]) ;MATERIAL THICKNESS ~ SCommand5= Q251=(KFA[(CQ)]) ;OFF-CENTER DISTANCE ~ SCommand6= Q252=(KFA[(getTS)]) ;TOOL EDGE HEIGHT ~ SCommand7= Q253=(getFEAN) ;F PRE-POSITIONIN ~ SCommand8= Q254=(FeeF+[0]) ;F COUNTERSINKING ~ SCommand9= Q255=(Round[(P2);2]) ;Dwell Time ~ SCommand10= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand11= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand12= Q214=1 ;DISENGAGING DIRECTN ~ SCommand13= Q336=0 ;ANGLE OF SPINDLE SCommand14=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle11] CycleName=209 TAPPING W/ CHIP BRKG CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);Depth for chip break;RPM factor for retraction;; CycleType=6 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 209 TAPPING W/ CHIP BRKG ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q239=(ope[(getSPCW)=3?+:-])(Round[(getTW);3]) ; PITCH ~ SCommand5= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand6= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand7= Q257=(KFA[(CQ)]) ;Drilling depth SPANBRUCH ~ SCommand8= Q256=(KFA[(P1)]) ;DIST. FOR CHIP BRKNG ~ SCommand9= Q336=0 ;ANGLE OF SPINDLE SCommand10=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [Cycle12] CycleName=Fine Drilling Cycle with dwell time type G89 CyclePara=Approach height (A);Drilling depth (Z);;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH; CycleType=11 SCommand1=(Count_Block) CYCL DEF 201 REAMING ~ SCommand2= Q200=(KFA[(CA)]) ;SETUP CLEARANCE ~ SCommand3= Q201=(KFA[-(Z2)]) ;DEPTH ~ SCommand4= Q206=(FeeF+[0]) ;FEED RATE FOR PLNGNG ~ SCommand5= Q211=(Round[(P1);2]) ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH ~ SCommand6= Q208=(getFEAB) ;RETRACTION FEED RATE ~ SCommand7= Q203=(KFA[(Z1)]) ;SURFACE COORDINATE ~ SCommand8= Q204=(KFA[(CA)]) ;2. SETUP CLEARANCE SCommand9=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 LCommand1=(Count_Block) L X(KFAx+[0]) Y(KFAy+[0]) FMAX M99 [CycleSimOptionen] G80=;;;;;;;; G73=203;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; G74=206;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; G76=202;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; G81=200;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; G82=200;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; G83=203;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=; G84=206;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=; G85=201;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=; G86=;;;;;;;; G87=206;;;Q249=;;Q250=;Q200=;Q251=; G88= G89=201;;;Q201=;;Q202=;Q200=;Q256=;Q213=;Q211=; BORCYCLE_Z_INK=0 START_at_CALL=0 [USER] TEXT=